Historic Downtown Culpeper, Virginia
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Role and Responsibilities
The board has well-managed, regular monthly meetings, with an advance agenda and regular distribution of minutes. Currently the board meets every second Thursday of each month.
The board is the ultimate decision-making body for the organization and is responsible for ensuring that the organization operates in accordance with its bylaws. Board members establish policy, approve the annual budget, focus organization goals, and guide the Executive Director. Board Officers include the President, Advisor, President Elect , Secretary and Treasurer.
Our board consists of local leaders and involved residents that represent a variety of community interest from education to banking to architectural preservation. A local Main Street program must ensure that there is a strong connection between the board and the committees. There are four active Culpeper Renaissance, Inc. committees that carry out the four points of the Main Street community revitalization approach, Design, Organization, Promotions and Economic Vitality.
2024/2025 Board of Directors
President – Jennifer Hoehna
Advisor – Glen Hoffherr
President Elect –Gwen Steele
Treasurer – Nikii Davis
Secretary – Lt. Ashley Banks
Chris Minnis
Cynthia Beamer
Debbie Barthello
Jackie Bowles
Paul Klinger
Tabatha Fulton
Hank Milans
Joe Short, Town of Culpeper, Council Representative
Non-Voting Board Members
Amy Frazier, Culpeper Co. Chamber of Commerce
Bryan Rothamel, Culpeper Co. Dept. of Economic Dev.
Paige Read, Town of Culpeper Dept. of Tourism & Economic Dev.
Chris Hively, Town of Culpeper, Manager
John Christiansen, Museum of Culpeper History

The Main Street program must ensure that there is a strong connection between the board and the committees. To achieve this, the Culpeper Renaissance, Inc’s Main Street Program recommends that board members serve on one of the 4 Point Approach committees as set forth by the National Main Street Program.
Each committee is also represented by community volunteers to carry out the goals and projects of the program.
Design Committee – This committee will advocate preservation of Culpeper’s unique historic recourses with activities relating to building maintenance and rehabilitation, visual merchandising, appropriate signage, streetscape enhancements, and public improvements within the downtown district
Organization Committee – This committee will develop a volunteer base, recruiting new volunteers and assisting them in finding assignments they will enjoy.
Promotions Committee– This committee is charged with the implementation and coordination of marketing materials which create a consistent image of the downtown as the center of the community. It will accomplish this through monitoring community and consumer perceptions, seeking to reverse negative attitudes through image building and promotional events.
Economic Vitality Committee – This committee is responsible for business development and retention in the downtown district by working with the City of Culpeper and other interested parties to offer incentives and programs that will stimulate growth. It will conduct and maintain a comprehensive inventory of buildings and businesses, sponsor business seminars, monitor market trends, identify opportunities, and promote commercial development.
Vision and Mission
Culpeper Renaissance, Inc’s purpose is to stimulate a growing and stable commercial center in downtown Culpeper by:
- Increasing the use of downtown as a destination for local residents and visitors
- Promoting and developing a diversified business mix
- Fostering residential opportunities in and near downtown
- Continuing to strengthen a unified and enduring sense of place.
Davis Street designated as a Great Street by the American Planning Association
2012 Great American
Main Street Award
from National Trust
for Historic Preservation and Main Street America
2017 Best Downtown Improvement Project Award
from Virginia Main Street
Visit Downtown
127 West Davis Street
Culpeper, VA 22701
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