Historic Downtown Culpeper, Virginia
Strategic Planning, Goals & Objectives
2021-2026 Strategic Plan
The 2021-2026 Strategic Plan for Culpeper Renaissance, Inc. (CRI) is intended to guide programing efforts of the organization over the next 5 years with strategized goals. Each year the CRI committees review the organizations vision, mission, and goals while planning their yearly workplan. Each project, event and program must meet at least two of the five goals. The CRI Board of Directors holds a Board Retreat every 3 years to review the vision, mission and goals for updates based on stakeholder feedback, market trends, economic and global impacts, and best practices from comparable downtown markets.
A Culpeper Downtown Market Assessment and Enhancement Strategies was prepared by John Accordino, Ph.D, FAICP, Jeff Milner, and Fabrizio Fasulo, Ph.D with the Center for Urban and Regional Analysis at VCU a division of the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs Virginia Commonwealth University in May 2015. A Strategic Planning Visit with completed Culpeper Transformation Strategies was held in 2018 with Kathy La Plant with the National Main Street Center and Kyle Myer with Virginia Main Street.
The CRI Board of Directors is looking towards the future. Based on the 2023 CRI Service Plan with VMS, the CRI Board of Directors held a Strategic Market Planning Session in June 2023 in partnership with Main Street America (MSA) and Virginia Mian Street (VMS). The Strategic Market Planning Session will define our organization’s transformation strategies to ensure CRI maintains a strong market-based understanding that informs the organization’s project development and downtown vitality efforts. In partnership with MSA, VMS will provide support to help CRI translate market data and community visioning into district-specific strategies that spur transformative, measurable change and to guide our organization’s work.

Vision and Mission
Culpeper Renaissance, Inc’s purpose is to stimulate a growing and stable commercial center in downtown Culpeper by:
- Increasing the use of downtown as a destination for local residents and visitors
- Promoting and developing a diversified business mix
- Fostering residential opportunities in and near downtown
- Continuing to strengthen a unified and enduring sense of place.
Visit Downtown
127 West Davis Street
Culpeper, VA 22701
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